We offer an experience beyond answering questions, we like to create and personalize your consumers interaction with us.
We know that answering the phones in an office setting can become very daunting with patients coming and going, appointments being scheduled, canceled, and rescheduled, and a staff whose priorities are constantly changing. Because of our "New Norm" having your call answered by by a live person is what most patients want. S Customer Service can help offer that for your clients.
We can offer 24/7 availability with an affordable rate customized to your needs. Whatever your area of business our call support team can provide efficient, sensitive service to your clients. Allow us to become an extension of your current support and see your customer satisfaction rate improve.
By outsourcing your phone calls to SCS, you free up time for yourself and your staff to provide more comprehensive care for clients. Whether you’d like more time with clients, increased accessibility for your staff, or to maintain a healthier work/life balance we can help.
We can customize a call script to ensure your policies and procedures are followed to the letter, with no gap in the quality of service received by your callers. We can tailor our service to your precise standards – in many cases, your callers may not even realize they’re speaking with a third-party.